Tuesday Tips #6

Have an ancestor who was a priest or a nun and having trouble finding them? So did Gearoid, a while ago he needed help to find one of his ancestors who was a priest and he couldn’t find the death cert under his birth name. The priest in this case had taken...

Tuesday Tips #5

A’lot of beginning genealogists have an obsession with their surname and its origin. This in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it can lead down the wrong path. Many “genealogical” sites will purport to have your family crest and know exactly where...

Tuesday Tips #4

Have you ever wondered why your ancestors were so inconsistent with their ages? Why did your Great-Great Grandma, not age the ten years between censuses? Today’s Tuesday tip may give some insight into these inconsistencies. Age and Birth Dates were something...

Tuesday Tips #2

How can I tell if my ancestors were Illiterate? First, let’s define Illiterate, Illiterate means “unable to read or write” (Oxford Dictionary). Many of our ancestors were illiterate, especially if you have non-western ancestry, Eastern European ancestry, or poor...

Tuesday Tips #1

Welcome to Tuesday Tips! You may be asking what are Tuesday Tips? Well, Tuesday Tips are little tips I will give every Tuesday. My main goal with Tuesday Tips is to educate young or not so young genealogists about the small details often hidden or overlooked in a...