Today’s Tuesday Tip is to always review your research and records found. It may seem a bit superfluous but it is always helpful and you never know you might break down a brick wall?
For example, after viewing a possible burial of my 4th Great Grandmother, Ann Butcher (formerly Webley), I noticed another burial which seemed to look like a child of Ann’s. I cross-referenced the GRO Birth Index to obtain a maiden name that matched hers. I then obtained a copy of the death certificate of Ann which confirmed she was my 4th Great Grandmother. This child which died in infancy would have been overlooked if I hadn’t reviewed my research and now provides a rough date of when the family moved from Frome to Leeds.

You will always get better at Genealogy if you keep at it, therefore if you don’t review your old research, you potentially are relying on research from when you began. I can tell you from my experience that it is not a good thing!