Now, if you follow me over on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve been raising awareness on the petition started by CIGO* to try and start the process of getting the 1926 Irish Census released, for Ireland this is the first census done after the 1911 Census as there was no census conducted in 1921 due to the War of Independence that took place in Ireland at the time, but there is a particular reason why I’m sharing it very often and very widely too is because the petition has almost hit it’s 15,000 signature target. At the time of writing it only needs 385 more signatures, but we need your help to reach the target, sign the petition (which anyone can do), share it with others, tell others about it because this is an important part of Irish genealogy as it gives a glimpse into the new Irish Free State. To find the petition click on the button below.

*NOTE: I’m not affiliated with any organisations, I’m just determined to raise awareness about this petition and do as much as I can in any way I can as a young genealogist in general