Now this site has been on the genealogy scene for quite a while and the founder Abbie Allen has a goal to get 1,000 genies on her website “Walk My Past”. At the time of writing this, she currently has 204 (2 of which are the Hidden Branch’s founders – Daniel & Emily) WMP has 54 help requests put up and 5 have been solved but the only way to solve them is by having more people join (so please do that you won’t regret it!) And since Walk My Past has made it into the genealogy website spotlight, it has received a lot of very high praise and has been able to help solve a number of brick walls for people. So what is Walk My Past’s mission?
- To help people with their research where people can’t go themselves or are unable to travel for various reasons
- To create a global network for people to help each other out whenever they need it
- To provide a website that doesn’t have too many twists and turns when navigating
In my honest opinion, I have found Walk My Past to be a useful resource when I am researching and I know that if I can’t answer a question… Someone else may be able to help with it and I am always interested in new and exciting ways to bring the genealogy community closer together! She has also set up an easier way to talk to genies by creating a server on Mighty Networks. So go check her website out here!