G’day! I’m Emmerson and I’m one of the newest members of The Hidden Branch. If you can’t guess from the title, I’m from a little country in the Southern Hemisphere called Australia.
I’m 21, which admittedly is a bit older than the rest of The Hidden Branch. However, I started my family history search when I was 12 years old. So that’s 9 whole years of genealogy!
I remember what it was like, with little access to money in order to purchase those vital records, and how annoying it could be as a 16/17 year old.
With that experience, I hope to help other young genealogists who encounter that same paywall problem with the tips and tricks I used! As well, I hope I inspire others to understand that family history is much more than dates and places. I would like to show you how you can access the emotions of your ancestors with these vital records.
I specialize in Australian and New Zealand records, as well as English records. I’m trying to enlighten myself upon the Scottish and Irish record system as I also have ancestors from there!
I have almost finished my History degree, and have just started my Diploma of Family History. After both are completed, I aspire to become certified as a genealogist and am studying hard to do so!
When I’m not at work or University, I’m in the archives room at the library, at home compiling my family histories or strolling around the local cemetery.
If you are on Instagram or Twitter, you can reach me at: @/ourpasts